Thursday, February 25, 2010

Software Engineer

(C, TCL/TK, e-flow, OS knowledge, VxWorks, Tornado, DOPRA , TCP/IP, UDP, VLAN, VPN, MPLS, ETHERNET, Linux)
Develop and maintain programs running on the VxWorks Systems.
Project A:Take the charge of developing DHCPSNP feature for VPLS
This project adds the function of DHCP snooping to the VPLS architecture to improve the security of DHCP services.
Finish the task of disassembling the requirements.
Finish HLD & LLD with high quality.
Be praise because of carefully work and high quality during the developing period.
Negotiate the interfaces with 6 other modules --- an excellent coordinator.
Finish codes with high quality. 2000(new)+3000(modified)
Debug and improve the performance of this feature with quickly and efficiently.
Project B:Development of MSE Project
This product now is publish all over the world with the routers produced by the company and they are working well.
DHCP module here is the very important part of MSE project.
Design, develop and maintain new features of DHCP module on MSE .
Trace the required characteristics through entire procedure of DHCP module.
Finish documents with high quality ( HLD,LLD,STP,ITP,UTP, etc.).
Define the interfaces between several pairs of modules on MSE, and then the interfaces seldom need to be changed.
Compose documents which are relevant to the project.
Reviewing and auditing documents and codes, and pointed out several serious mistakes.
Develop and maintain the codes of 10000(new) + 45000(old) lines.
Give knowledge trainings of DHCP module.
Write codes with APIs written by other departments and use the DOPRA platform developed by others.
Project C:DHCP Module on VRP Maintenance (Ref. RFC2131 )
Handle online problems quickly and efficiently.
Maintain DHCP module under heavy testing.
Provide special technical specification and special versions for colleagues of marketing department.
Support the marketing and frontier colleges powerfully about the technologies.

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